Health Benefits And Uses Of

Kaneka Ubiquinol CoQ10

Developed and produced by Kaneka in Japan, Kaneka Ubiquinol™ is a patented, highly bioavailable form of CoQ10 that is naturally fermented from yeast and offers superior absorption for replenishing optimal levels of this essential nutrient, especially in those over 40 or with age-related conditions.

Kaneka Ubiquinol CoQ10

Kaneka Ubiquinol™ CoQ10 Health Benefits

Kaneka Ubiquinol™ is the active, non-oxidised form of CoQ10, developed and produced by Kaneka in Japan. It is biologically identical to the ubiquinol in your body, providing the maximum level of CoQ10 benefits.

The History of Kaneka Ubiquinol™

Kaneka's unique, patented version of the Coenzyme Q10 product was first available in 2007. Originally called Kaneka QH, it had more than a decade of research and testing before launch, which shows the level of commitment to quality, safety, and reliability that went into it. 

High Bioavailability

Kaneka Ubiquinol™ is more absorbable than conventional CoQ10, which means that optimal levels of CoQ10 can be restored quickly and efficiently, especially in those who are over 40 or are affected by certain age-related conditions.

Kaneka Quality

Kaneka Ubiquinol™ is manufactured in Texas, using state-of-the-art equipment and a rigorous quality control process to ensure safety. Samples are tested for quality and contaminants at every step in the production process and can be traced back to the original culture.

Kaneka and Xtendlife

Omega 3 / QH Premium CoQ10 uses Kaneka Ubiquinol™, the active, non-oxidised form of CoQ10, developed and produced by Kaneka in Japan. Kaneka Ubiquinol™ is naturally fermented from yeast and is biologically identical to the Ubiquinol in your body, so your body can put it to immediate use. 

Kaneka, the original developers of CoQ10, have been able to develop a process that has improved the stability of ubiquinol to the extent that it is now able to be used in dietary supplement products. In fact, we believe that Kaneka Ubiquinol™ is the best way of getting the combined fish oil and CoQ10 benefits available, hence it was our first choice to use this in our Omega 3 / QH Premium CoQ10.

Because ubiquinol is highly sensitive to oxygen, we ensure that its exposure to oxygen is limited when ubiquinol is incorporated into our fish oil because we want our customers to get the best quality product possible.

What is Ubiquinol?

Ubiquinol is a naturally occurring nutrient in the body, with levels mostly concentrated in organs that use the most energy, including the heart, liver and kidneys. The powerful antioxidant helps to support the organs from damage and provides cellular energy.

Find out more about Ubiquinol CoQ10

Brain Health

Studies have suggested that Ubiquinol supports healthy neurological and brain function.


Ubiquinol CoQ10 plays a key role in sperm cell energy production and motility.

Heart Health

Several studies on CoQ10 show that it supports heart health by helping with circulation, a healthy cholesterol profile, and normal blood sugar levels.


Ubiquinol helps to manage free radical activity in the body by binding to them and allowing them to be safely eliminated from the body. This action allows CoQ10 to help defy the visible effects of aging.

    Synonyms and Similar Forms of Ubiquinol CoQ10

    Kaneka QH, Ubiquinone, CoEnzyme Q10, CoQ10

