6 Ways to Boost Your Child’s Gut Health

1. Deal With Food Allergies

    One of the most common causes of funny tummies is undiagnosed food allergies. Removing common allergens such as dairy, wheat, eggs or sesame from a child’s diet can see many common digestive symptoms miraculously disappear. If your child suffers persistent digestive discomfort and/or suffers from asthma, eczema, or ear, nose, and throat problems, I highly recommend visiting a naturopath or medical doctor for an allergy test. It is particularly important that your child is tested for Celiac Disease, as this condition can cause long-term damage if left untreated.

    Removing allergens from your child’s diet is important to not only relieve the immediate digestive symptoms but also to prevent ongoing problems. Untreated food allergies can cause damage to the delicate cells of the intestinal wall, leading to leaky gut syndrome.

    2. Get the Balance Right

      Our digestive system contains literally billions of bacteria – in fact up to two kilograms worth! Tummy troubles are often related to an imbalance in these bacteria.

      When the balance between good and bad bacteria is healthy, our digestive tract tends to function pretty smoothly, but the modern lifestyle of refined food, sugar, antibiotics, and other medications can upset this precise balance, harming the good bacteria and allowing bad bacteria to proliferate. This unhealthy balance of bacteria is behind many common digestive complaints, including bloating, constipation, loose stools, and food allergies. An imbalance in gut bacteria can also present as more systemic issues such as eczema, asthma, and psoriasis, as well as ear, nose, and throat problems.

      So how do we help our kids build good gut bacteria?

      The good news is we can easily improve the balance of bacteria in kids’ tummies with quality supplementation, good nutrition, and lifestyle techniques.

      Sugar, high-fat, and processed foods promote the overgrowth of bad bacteria, while fruit and vegetables, legumes, and whole grains help friendly bacteria thrive. Getting enough sleep also seems to be important, so make your little one gets plenty of shut-eye.

      What about probiotics?

      A common recommendation to improve gut health is to eat foods containing sources of good bacteria such as yoghurt and sauerkraut or take probiotic supplements. While there is certainly no harm in this, the trouble is that the probiotics are often destroyed by our stomach acid before they can reach the small intestine.

      A more effective means of boosting your child’s good bacteria and supporting their digestive function is consuming prebioticsand soluble fiber. These substances can withstand the harsh acidic environment in our stomach and actually provide food for the good bacteria in the small intestine.

      Prebioticsand soluble fiber are special kinds of fibers found in certain fruits and vegetables, rice bran, oat bran, legumes, linseed (flaxseed) seaweed, nuts, and seeds. The body doesn’t actually digest these fibers, the bacteria in our gut breaks them down and ferments them.

      Ok, but what are some sources of prebiotics that my child will actually eat?

      You need only skim the list above to see that most of the foods listed will not appeal to young tastes. Fortunately, there are plenty of gut-friendly prebiotic foods that even the fussiest eaters will enjoy:

      • Warm stewed apples or pears
      • Bananas
      • Mashed sweet potato or pumpkin
      • Porridge (Top porridge with stewed apple for a double serving of prebiotics)
      • Manuka honey (Drizzle a teaspoon on top of porridge or spread on your child’s toast)
      • Avocado (Try avocado on toast or offer your little one guacamole and vege sticks as a snack)
      • Falafel or chickpea patties. Puree chickpeas and lentils in a blender, then form into small patties and pan-fry. Serve in a wrap or burger with salad vegetables. Kids will love falafels in their lunchbox for a high-protein lunchtime snack.
      • Apple cider vinegar (Give your child a glass of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar each morning).

      3. Get Them on to Kiwifruit

        If you can only encourage your child to eat one food to enhance their digestive function, it has to be kiwifruit. Kiwifruit is a digestive powerhouse, and works in three ways to strengthen and support the digestive system:

        • High in enzymes to enhance digestion and help kids unlock the nutrients from their diet
        • High in prebiotics to promote a healthy balance of gut bacteria
        • High in soluble fiber to keep things moving.

        There are plenty of ways to sneak kiwifruit into your child’s diet: Add it to their lunchbox or morning bowl of cereal. Serve kiwifruit for dessert with pineapple and organic, sugar-free natural yoghurt. Top buckwheat pancakes or porridge with chopped kiwifruit and yoghurt. Or try a homemade kiwifruit iceblock or sorbet.

        While encouraging your child to eat more kiwifruit will certainly help their tummy, for maximum benefit it’s worth considering a kiwifruit supplement. Many of the therapeutic properties of kiwifruit are found in the tough fuzzy skin and seeds, however, most people only consume the flesh, meaning we miss out on many of the benefits.

        Xtendlife’s Kiwi-Klenz product uses Digesten-K® Kiwifruit Extract taken from the Hayward variety of kiwifruit in New Zealand. The extraction process retains all the nutrients of the skin, flesh and seeds without the use of harsh chemicals. This means Digesten-K® Kiwifruit Extract contains high concentrations of enzymes, phenols, and soluble fiber.

        Digesten-K® contains high levels of active Actinidin, an enzyme that helps break down protein, to enhance digestion and nutrient absorption. The soluble fiber in this kiwifruit extract is useful for maintaining healthy digestion. The phenols in Digesten-K® Kiwifruit Extract may inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines without affecting the growth of beneficial bacteria.

        Everything Starts From the Gut

        Funny tummy making your child miserable? Digestive issues like bloating, gas and constipation can affect kids as well as adults. Soothe their tummy and keep them smiling with Kiwi-Klenz. Rich in soluble and enzymes from New Zealand Kiwifruit, it not only

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