Self-Care for a Healthy Mind, Body & Soul

There’s been a lot of talk about self-care lately, but what is it and why is it important?

At its simplest level, self-care is about treating yourself with kindness. It’s about recognizing what you need in order to feel happy and well – whether that be meditation, exercise, or simply meeting a good friend for coffee. It’s a vital component of a healthy lifestyle.

Without enough self-care, we can neglect our bodies’ basic needs – eating on the run, reaching for junk food, or skipping meals entirely. Exercise falls by the wayside, and we might get by on less sleep than we need.

Signs You Need More Self-Care

Wondering if you’re giving your body enough self-care? Here are a few signs your body might be craving a little more love.

  • You feel insecure –You put pressure on yourself to do more, be more, and have more instead of celebrating what you've done.
  • You often feel stressed or overwhelmed – You take on too much, feel anxious, or feel like you never have any downtime.
  • You are paying less attention to your body’s needs – you don’t get enough sleep; you skip meals and have no time to exercise.
  • You seek comfort from food– when you are stressed or unhappy, you often reach for comfort foods to feel better.

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