Higher levels of DHA?

    Question: from Charles

    What is Xtend-Life's position on Calamarine? Does it really provide a higher level of DHA?

    Answer: from Warren

    Hi Charles,

    Calamarine has several different versions of fish oil and some have less DHA than ours, and some have more.

    Calamarine oils are all in concentrate form, ie ethyl esters, whereas ours is a blend of high concentrate ethyl esters and natural triglycerides. We have found that although our blend has a lower level of DHA or Omega 3 that the concentrate alone (50% and 85% respectively) that our blend actually has double the anti-inflammatory properties when compared to the high concentrate form.

    There is some natural component of the oil that is lost in the concentration process which contributes significantly to its anti-inflammatory properties which is why we go to the extra trouble of doing the blend that we do.

    2 Responses

    Hi Paul,

    This will vary with person to person. However, it does take time. I would normally expect at least three to six months depending upon the daily dose. It is possible to double the dose for the first three months and that is what some customers do.

    Are you taking the fish oil as well? That is also important as it helps reduce inflammation. I would suggest if you can to take the new QH/Ultra version of our Omega 3 fish oil as the Ubiquinol (CoQ10) will do good things for your cardiovascular system.

    No problem with drinking wine in moderation. Keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

    Warren Matthews July 14 2010

    I have started taking xtend-life after being told I have some blocks in my arteries. Please, could you tell me how many bottles approximately I have to take before I can expect changes in my situation. I experience chest pains after jogging for about five minutes. When will this time (5 minutes) increase to about 10 minutes. I will be ordering my next set soon.

    Also, can one drink wine while taking xtend-life?

    Paul July 12 2010

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